Friday, August 2, 2013

Transfer # 2

Since I last posted a lot has happened. Ashlea has had her egg retrieval and that went well. She has 13 eggs retrieved and 8 of those fertilized. We went in on Monday for our transfer and would find out at that point how the embryos were doing. Our appointment was later in the day because they realized on retrieval day that Bill had taken one of his test too early and he had to retake it that day and they wanted to make sure the results were back in time.

Back to the embryos, so on Monday (transfer day) all 8 were still going but it looked like 3 were not going to make it so that left us with 5 - 8 cell embryos on day three. That is just where they should be. So, as I sit there with my full bladder, the test results are not there and because of FDA regulations they can not transfer until they have the test results. We hear them calling and talking to people and calling again. Finally about an hour later the doctor comes back in and says that the results are not going to be there until the next day so they will take the embryos to 5 days and we will transfer on Wednesday. Now we get to wait 2 more days and wonder and worry what the embryos are going to do, will they make it to 5 days, will we have any to transfer?

So fast forward to Wednesday, transfer day again. I meet Ashlea at the clinic and we go back to talk to the doctor and we have 3 - 5 day embryos (I say we like they are mine, I should say they). Two look good and one might not make it so they are going to transfer the best two and let the one grow one more day and see if it will make it to freeze, it does not. The two we transferred look good, one was hatching already as you can see from the picture below.

We do not plan on taking any pregnancy test until the morning of the blood test. Do you remember we said that last time but we did end up taking a test about 3 days before and had a weak positive and we googled ourselves into insanity. Hopefully we will stick with the no test this time but I will not promise that. We have our first blood test on 8/12 and the second one on 8/14. There are no embryos left but that is OK because we are not going to need them. This is going to be the one!

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